Easy Enchiladas

I had a co-worker whose husband was very cooking-challenged. However, he had one specialty…Enchiladas. They are simple, yet delicious. He requested that she keep the ingredients on hand in case she asked him to make dinner. Since there are only six ingredients, that was easy for her to do. Men, listen up! Easy Enchiladas is a great recipe for you to use to impress your special gal…perhaps for Valentine’s Day! At just $0.73 per enchilada, she will be impressed with your cooking skills and your cost efficiency. On a side note—women love a man who can cook. Take this opportunity to sweep her off her feet. Take comfort in the fact that we care more about the effort than the results.


  • 1 onion - finely diced
  • ¾ lb chicken - cooked & shredded
  • ¾ cup shredded cheese - divide into ½ cup and ¼ cup containers
  • 1 16-oz jar salsa
  • ½ block cream cheese
  • 8 flour tortillas (taco size)


  1. Spray skillet with cooking spray.
  2. Cook onion over medium heat for 4-5 minutes.
  3. Add the chicken (cooked & shredded), ½ cup shredded cheese, ¾ cup salsa, and ½ block cream cheese. Cut the cream cheese into small pieces for easy melting.
  4. Heat and stir until melted and combined.
  5. Evenly distribute mixture down the center of the eight flour tortillas.
  6. Roll up and place them in a 9” x 13” pan.
  7. Drizzle remaining salsa and sprinkle remaining shredded cheese over enchiladas.
  8. Bake at 350 F for 15 minutes, or until the cheese is melted.


  • This recipe makes eight enchiladas. They are bigger than you would expect. I usually only eat one for dinner along with some Mexican rice. Mike will usually eat 1½ with some Mexican rice.
    • The Mexican rice we make is a flavor of the Knorr’s packets we buy for $1.00. It is an excellent way to add variety and stretch out the meal.
  • Use a generic brand of salsa. Since it is all mixed together, you probably won’t be able to taste the difference…says the Salsa-Snob.

Cost per batch: $5.83
Calories per batch: 2,650
Cost per enchilada: $0.73
Calories per enchilada: 331
