Goals for the New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR’S!!!!!! Today begins a new year and with a new year comes an opportunity for a fresh start and endless possibilities. Every year I make goals for myself; unfortunately, I usually forget what those goals are sometime during the year. However, I keep setting yearly goals because I think it is important to dream of bigger and better things for yourself. As I have been setting my goals for 2015, I’ve been considering a few categories: career, spiritual, physical, financial, personal, etc.

Here are a few goals I have set for 2015:

Career: Be more content with my job
Spiritual: Read the Bible cover-to-cover (I’ve been working on this, but I have a long way to go)
Physical: Work out 8 times per month
Financial: Pay off Mike’s car
Personal: Read 24 books

What sort of goals are you making this year?

Do you want to lose weight?
Do you want to gain control of your finances?
Do you want to spend more time with your family?

Whatever your goals are, write them down and put them in a place where you will see them periodically. Seeing them will keep you focused on your goals for the year. I have mine posted in my kitchen where I will see them often.

I want to encourage everyone to try tracking their expenses this year. I have created a template to do this which you can download here. The Mac compatible version can be downloaded here. I outlined the process of doing this in my blog post, The Importance of Tracking Your Expenses. I promise if you are diligent in tracking your expenses and actively respond to bad spending habits, you will be able to meet any reasonable, financial goal you set for yourself.

I’m very excited for this upcoming year. As the worship team at my church sings, “The Best Is Yet to Come”. Let’s keep this in mind as we move forward this New Year!
